AREPA: It is the most famous dish from Venezuela, and is a cornmeal cake that can be grilled, baked or fried. Unlike in neighbouring Colombia where it is normally eaten unadorned, here in Venezuela it is split open and filled with a variety of cheese and meats. Arepa is a basic part of the Venezuelan diet and is eaten in place of bread in most meals. We recommend filling it with a mixture of cheese, eggs and bacon!
CACHAPA: Similar to the traditional American pancake (much thicker than an English pancake), it is made from a puree of corn, sugar, salt and oil. It is normally then folded over with a large piece of a soft white cheese inside. It is sometimes served with cream and jam. It is traditionally served with breakfast or at "once" a snack with tea. Sometimes it is accompanied by a side of fried pork. (We have yet to meet a gringo who truly enjoyed this chunk of pork)
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